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Mud House Riesling 750ml

Consistently beautiful wines that are crafted to capture the essence of their origins.

Mud House Rosé 750ml

Pale pink. Tropical and citrus notes are spliced with a hint of ripe red berry. A lively palate with juicy acidity and refreshing tropical flavours. Subtle hints of red berries emerge on the mid-palate and lead into a lovely, long finish.

Mud House Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Consistently beautiful wines that are crafted to capture the essence of their origins.

Nevis Bluff Pinot Gris 750ml

Lime, pepper, mango and pawpaw aromatics are followed by a wet stone mineral drive showing lychee and spicy textural qualities. Good persistence, elegance and balance on the finish.

Oyster Bay Chardonnay 750ml

The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. An affordable, everyday luxury.

Oyster Bay Pinot Gris 750ml

The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. An affordable, everyday luxury.

Oyster Bay Rosé 750ml

Oyster Bay's Marlborough Rosé exudes summer cherry and fragrant blossom notes with a burst of red berries and a lively citrus zest.

Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. An affordable, everyday luxury.

Paritua 'Willow' Chardonnay 750ml

Ripe stone fruit aromas of peach and nectarine, with notes of ripe mandarin freshly baked brioche, nougat, vanilla and a hint of clove, add to the complexity and interest on the nose. A silky attack with sweet fruit flavours of peach nectarine and clove in the rich textural mid palate and with hints of nougat and vanilla balanced with fine oak and lingering grapefruit citrus finish.

Pegasus Bay Bel Canto Dry Riesling 750ml

The wine shows bright citrus flavours with characters of lemons, limes and oranges, supported by hints of nectarines and white fleshed peaches. These interplay with impressions of passionfruit, tropical spices and Turkish musk. It expands in the mouth to become full bodied and concentrated.

Pegasus Bay Chardonnay 750ml

On the nose there are aromas of citrus, as well as honeydew melon and some stone fruit (peach and nectarine). In addition there is a hint of struck match which adds complexity and a flinty minerality. The palate is concentrated with refreshing acidity and a lingering finish.

Pegasus Bay Gewürztraminer 750ml

Floral hints, suggestive of rose petals, intertwine with Turkish delight, spices, oriental musk, incense and candle smoke. It is big-boned and mouth-filling with a smooth, unctuous texture, balanced by a long dry finish.
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