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Gordon's Alcohol Free 700ml

Gordon's Alcohol Free 0.0% is made using the finest distilled botanicals, just like the original Gordon's London Dry Gin, and provides the bold, juniper led character you'd expect from Gordon's. This is the perfect alcohol-free alternative to your usual choice of Gordon's & Tonic.

Seedlip Grove 42 Citrus Non-Alcoholic Spirit 700ml

A sophisticated, bright, citrus blend of Mediterranean Orange, Lemon Peel, Lemongrass and Ginger with a dry finish. Why 42? 1542 was the year the word 'orange' was first used to describe the colour as well as the fruit. A zesty & complex, citrus-forward blend of three types of orange & uplifting spice distillates. Serve with soda water & an orange twist.
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