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Jacob's Creek Classic Pinot Grigio 6x750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Pinot Grigio is fresh and zesty with soft acidicty, this is a modern Australian take on the Pinot Grigio style. The complex nose offers fragrant orange blossom, fresh pear, citrus and lovely floral aromatics. Crisp and clean, the citrusy palate leads to a long, fresh and satisfying finish.

Jacob's Creek Classic Pinot Grigio 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Pinot Grigio is fresh and zesty with soft acidicty, this is a modern Australian take on the Pinot Grigio style. The complex nose offers fragrant orange blossom, fresh pear, citrus and lovely floral aromatics. Crisp and clean, the citrusy palate leads to a long, fresh and satisfying finish.

Jacob's Creek Classic Riesling 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Riesling is beautifully balanced with bright persistent flavours. Aromas of fragrant lime blossom with hints of fresh green apple. On the palate is the citrus flavours with soft but tight acidity and crispness on the finish. Great with seafood, chicken dishes or spicy Asian cuisine.

Jacob's Creek Classic Sauvignon Blanc 6x750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Sauvignon Blanc is a crisp, refreshing Sauvignon Blanc that is a perfect accompaniment to all occasions. The nose is lifted and fragrant with passionfruit and varietal asparagus, while the palate offers tropical and herbaceous flavours and a delightful crisp finish. Enjoy on its own or with sushi and fresh green salads.

Jacob's Creek Classic Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Sauvignon Blanc is a crisp, refreshing Sauvignon Blanc that is a perfect accompaniment to all occasions. The nose is lifted and fragrant with passionfruit and varietal asparagus, while the palate offers tropical and herbaceous flavours and a delightful crisp finish. Enjoy on its own or with sushi and fresh green salads.

Jacob's Creek FOMO Fresh Outta Moscato 750ml

A moscato crafted to contain half the sugar of a traditional Moscato and still retain bright and fun fruit flavor, a refreshiing choice for a warm summer's day.

Jacob's Creek FOMO Fresh Outta Moscato Rosé 750ml

A moscato rose crafted to contain half the sugar of a traditional Moscato and still retain bright and fun fruit flavor, a refreshiing choice for a warm summer's day.

Jacob's Creek Moscato Rosé 6x750ml

The Jacob's Creek Moscato wines delightfully showcase the natural sweet flavours and aromas of fresh summer fruit providing a refreshing and easy drinking wine. Jacob's Creek Moscato Rosé is a light, refreshing yet elegant wine with raspberry and strawberry flavours and a delightful crisp finish. Serve on its own, or with light pasta dishes.

Jacob's Creek Moscato Rosé 750ml

The Jacob's Creek Moscato wines delightfully showcase the natural sweet flavours and aromas of fresh summer fruit providing a refreshing and easy drinking wine. Jacob's Creek Moscato Rosé is a light, refreshing yet elegant wine with raspberry and strawberry flavours and a delightful crisp finish. Serve on its own, or with light pasta dishes.

Jacob's Creek Moscato White 6x750ml

The Jacob's Creek Moscato wines delightfully showcase the natural sweet flavours and aromas of fresh summer fruit providing a refreshing and easy drinking wine. Jacob's Creek Moscato White has lovely tropical notes and sherbet flavours complemented by a soft fruit sweetness. The balanced acidity provide a delicate finish. Ideal as an aperitif, this wine also pairs well with spicy seafood dishes or fruit.

Jacob's Creek Moscato White 750ml

The Jacob's Creek Moscato wines delightfully showcase the natural sweet flavours and aromas of fresh summer fruit providing a refreshing and easy drinking wine. Jacob's Creek Moscato White has lovely tropical notes and sherbet flavours complemented by a soft fruit sweetness. The balanced acidity provide a delicate finish. Ideal as an aperitif, this wine also pairs well with spicy seafood dishes or fruit.

Jam Shed Chardonnay 750ml

The Jam Shed Chardonnay delivers a wine made in a vibrant, contemporary style offering exceptional value for money. This buttery Chardonnay is rich and creamy with flavours of honey and toasty oak balanced with subtle hints of peach and citrus. It's seriously delicious white wine, jam packed with flavour.
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